

  • Post-Doctoral, Florida State University
  • Ph.D. Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, University of Paris XI, 1993
  • “Diplome d’Estudes Approfondies” (DEA) Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, University of Paris XI, 1990
  • “Maitrise de Sciences Physiques” Chemistry/Physics, University of Paris XI, 1989

These degrees have been certified equivalent to a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Radiochemistry, a Master of Science Degree in Radiochemistry, and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics from an accredited college or university in the United States, by The Trustforte Corporation, New York, NY. (2005)

Professional Experience

  • Joint Appointment with Savannah River National Laboratory
  • Professor, Nuclear Engineering Program, Materials Science and Engineering and Nuclear Engineering Department, University of Florida
  • Professor, Chemistry Department, Washington State University
  • Staff Scientist, Sandia National Laboratory
  • Department for Radioactive Waste Repository, Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA), France

Professional Society Memberships
