News in the Radiochemistry Group


Rachel Wood successfully passed her proposal defense! 02/2025

Madeleine Forbes successfully passed her proposal defense. 05/2024

Emily Maulden is the winner of the Innovations in Nuclear Energy Research and Development Student Competition for the paper “Technetium immobilization with tailored iron-functionalized organoclay.” 2024

Kai Schulte is the recipient of a 2024 University Nuclear Leadership Program Scholarship

Kai Schulte is a recipient of a 2024-2025 UF University Scholarship

Kai Schulte has been selected for a Summer Internship at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (2024)

Emily Maulden successfully defended her Ph.D. Dissertation in October 2023. “Technetium and iodine immobilization by functionalized clay”.

Recent publications (see full lists here)

Organometallic Functionalized Clays for Technetium Immobilization. Emily MauldenG, Elizabeth GagerG, An T. TaP, Daria Boglaienko, Juan C. Nino, Carolyn I. Pearce, Simon R. Phillpot, James E. Szecsody, Nathalie A. Wall*. Applied Clay Science 261:107588 (2024)

Thermodynamic parameters for the complexation of Tc(IV) species with chloride under aqueous conditions. Cecilia Eiroa-Lledo, Emily MauldenP, Morgan P. Kelley, Donald E. Wall, Nathalie A. Wall*. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (2024)

Silanization for minimizing tracer cation sorption on glass vials. Emily MauldenP, Donald E. Wall, Nathalie A. Wall*. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (2024)

Selected Recent Presentations

Functionalized Clays for Pertechnetate Sequestration. Emily MauldenP, Elizabeth GagerG, An T. TaP, R. Seaton UllbergG, Juan C. Nino, Simon R. Phillpot, James E. Szecsody, Carolyn I. Pearce, Nathalie A. Wall. ANS Winter meeting, Orlando, FL. 11/17-21/2024

TODGA Extraction of Cobalt (II) from Aqueous Chloride Media. Rachel WoodG, Benjamin Burton-Pye, Lynn Francesconi, Deborah Penchoff, Ramsey Salcedo, Nathalie Wall. (oral pres) ACS Fall 24, Denver CO 08/18-24/2024

Solvent extraction behavior of iron (III) and tributyl phosphate in aqueous acidic media: Applications in nuclear forensic analysis. Madeleine ForbesG, Benjamin Burton-Pye, Lynn Franscesconi, Deborah Penchoff, Nathalie A. Wall. ACS Fall 24, Denver CO 08/18-24/2024

Speciation of Iron (III) and Cobalt (II) in solvent extractions by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy. Penafrancia MonteG, Ramsey Salcedo, Benjamin P. Burton-Pye, Lynn C. Francesconi, Madeleine Forbes, Rachel Woods, Nathalie A. Wall, Deborah Penchoff. NNSA University Program Review, Texas A&M, College Station, TX 06/04-06/2024.

Cobalt extraction by N,N,N′,N′‐Tetraoctyl diglycolamide (TODGA). Rachel WoodsG, Deborah Penchoff, Nathalie A. Wall. NNSA University Program Review, Texas A&M, College Station, TX 06/04-06/2024.

Solvent Extraction Behavior of Fe3+ by Tributyl Phosphate in Aqueous Acidic Media. Madeleine ForbesG, Deborah Penchoff, Nathalie A. Wall. NNSA University Program Review, Texas A&M, College Station, TX 06/04-06/2024.

Solvent extraction behavior of iron (III) and tributyl phosphate in aqueous acidic media: application to nuclear forensic analysis. Madeleine ForbesG. MSE/NE Department Research Showcase Poster Session. Gainesville, FL. 03/29/2024 96. Characterization of Alkylammonium Functionalized Smectite Organoclays from Molecular Dynamics Simulations. R. Seaton UllbergG, An T. TaP, Emily MauldenG, Elizabeth J. GagerG, Juan C. Nino, Nathalie A. Wall, James E. Szecsody, Carolyn I. Pearce, S. R. Phillpot. TMS 2024. Orlando FL 03/3-7/2024.